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There is only One Consciousness.
This consciousness is one with all that is.
But… it is not all that is.
Consciousness is the faculty of awareness of all that is.
Spirit is all that is.
There is only One Spirit.


If there is only one consciousness then:
The consciousness that watches Character A watching Character B,
Is the same consciousness that watches Character B watching Character A. 


 If there is only One spirit then there is only One character.
It is this One character that manifests itself as all other characters.
It is known as the Divine Self - or God Self.
It is possible for these other characters to realise
That they are manifestations of this One character,
And thereafter identify, not with the created identity,
But with the creator of identity, the Divine Self - or God Self.
These characters are said to be God realised. 


 When all stimulus is removed,
As happens when the character loses consciousness (falls asleep!)
A state of pure spirit - no one and no thing - is entered into.
When the character regains consciousness (wakes up?)
There is no awareness of this state.
But it is possible for the character to enter this state without losing consciousness.
This state is called Nirvikalpa Samadhi.
Pure Consciousness of Pure Spirit... Bliss.
No One and No Thing. 



The conversation between Yati Yoganathan and Maharshi Ramana,
Which will make the members of society rejoice.

Oh Great Sage, what is the relation between society and its members? 
 Lord, be pleased to explain this for the welfare of the society.

 In a society consisting of followers of diverse ways of life,
Oh best of Sadhus, society is like the body and the members its limbs.
Oh ascetic, a member prospers by working for the society like a limb serving the body.
Through mind, speech and body one should always conduct oneself so as to serve the interests of society
And should also awaken his circle to do likewise.

One should build up one’s own circle so as to serve the interests of society
And then make it prosper so that the society itself may prosper.

 Among the wise some extol peace, others power.

Which of these, Oh Lord, is the better means for promoting the well-being of society?

 Peace if for purity of one’s own mind, power for the progress of society.
Society should be raised through power and then peace established.

 Oh Great Sage, what is the supreme goal on earth to be attained by human society as a whole?

 Brotherhood based on a sense of equality is the supreme goal to be attained by human society as a whole.
Through brotherhood, supreme peace will prevail among mankind and then this entire planet will flourish like a single household.

The above conversation between Yoganathan, the ascetic, and the gracious Maharshi took place on the 15th of August 1917.



The first taste of the forbidden fruit in the distant gardens of genesis,
Evoked a most deeply human question, beautifully phrased in antiquity,
‘And who are we anyway?’
I have been privileged to spend my life sharing in the search for this Understanding.
The pace of progress has seemed rapid, but evil has come along with good,
And now the terrible fragility of our planet and ourselves lies bare before us.
We feel the need for immediate, practical and wise answers ever more urgently,  
For our utmost yearning is to see the full flowering of who we, we human beings, are
And can become.



We stand at a crossroads in human history.
Powerful people and forces resist change and support the continuation 
Of policies and practices that seem increasingly unsustainable. 
At the same time, a growing number of people recognize that many of our problems
Are the product of obsolete or limited world views and ways of thinking.
To take responsibility for facing our living condition
We must look at ourselves and how we see the world.
Examining our fundamental assumptions,

And the patterns of thought and perception that shape our lives and institutions, 
Will increase the range of options available to us, 
Enhance our capacity for wise choosing,
And strengthen our ability to learn and act effectively.




I ask to visit and yet I am already here.
How can this be unless it is one self.
 I look in the mirror and see my self.
I look away and still see my self.
How can this be unless it is one self. 


 We are all drops of water from the same eternal sea
Each looking at the other and saying, ‘that’s not me!’
Different image, different form, different color, different name,
Don’t forget the water, remember we are all the same. 


We all have a little light and a little love to give out:
Some more than others,
By being together, in one place, at one time
We can create a sun.
What will bring light and warmth to a cold, dark world
If not the sun?


A few well-chosen acts by a chosen few in the light,
Can accomplish more than the many well-intentioned acts
Of the many in the darkness.
Help bring more light and love to a world in need
With one simple act, one simple deed.
United above – So below
Peace within – So without.





In that illuminating book ‘Be Here Now’ by our Brother Ram Dass,
There is a picture of the world’s Divine messengers standing together;
A perfect illustration of the One Great Truth they all embodied.
Could there be a better example of Oneness,
 If today’s teachers of that same Truth were to join together
 And make that picture of unity a physical reality.
As we are united above, why not so below?
We all have a little light and a little love to give out, some more than others.
 In bringing our light and love together in one place, at one time, we can create a Sun.
What will bring more light, life, and healing, to a world still in darkness and in pain,

If not the Sun?
Man sees by the light of the Stars,
 But now it is time to see and feel the first gentle rays of our Sun.
 It is time for us to know that the New Day has well and truly begun.
 Let us join together and help the Sun rise on the New Day – our New Age.




Those born to rule;
Those occupying positions of power and influence,
And those enjoying wealth and privilege,
Should always remember this:
You are
Who you are
And where you are
By the Grace of God.
We certainly pass on our wealth and status through our bloodline.
But – when we leave this created world – there is no guarantee
That when we again return to consciousness
We will find ourselves a member of that same bloodline.
If we create a world of suffering we will return to endure this suffering
If we create a world at peace we will return to enjoy this peace.
It is therefore most important to secure our future by securing it
While we are in a position to do so.
Ruling families do this by making sure that the family never forgets
The reality of Oneness.
A rich man today in Europe and the USA,
Tomorrow a poor man in Iraq and Afghanistan.
One day the master – another the slave.
This life the King – the next the Knave
There – but for the Grace of God – go I.


 'See your Self in all things
And conduct your self accordingly.' 

